Hartford Friends of Wallace Stevens
The Twenty-Eighth Annual
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 2:00pm
The Lyceum, 227 Lawrence St., Hartford, CT
“How to Live. What to Do: An Episodic Primer”
Video Recording Here
Anna Maria Hong is the author of three recent books: Age of Glass,winner of the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award and the Cleveland State University Poetry Center’s First Book Poetry Competition, the novella H & G, winner of the A Room of Her Own Foundation’s Clarissa Dalloway Prize, and Fablesque,winner of Tupelo Press’s Berkshire Prize. Her poetry, fiction, and essays appear in publications including The Nation, The Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Harvard Review, American Poetry Review, Ecotone, Shenandoah, The Hopkins Review, Colorado Review, Fairy Tale Review, Poetry, Poetry Daily, Poem-a-Day, The Best American Poetry, and The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays. Her awards include a Bunting Fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and a Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowship.